
Mass Spec Services: A Look Into the World of Analytical Testing

mass spec service

Mass spectrometry is a robust bioanalytical tool that can measure analytes based on their mass-to-charge ratio. These measurements are often useful to calculate the molecular weight of sample components. Mass spectrometers have several applications. They can quantify known compounds, employing molecular weight determination to identify unknown compounds and decipher the chemical and structural properties of biomolecules. 

Mass spectrometry testing services are specialized laboratories that provide services for biomedical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries with chemical assessments of substances and study samples. Mass spectrometry service company offers accurate tandem mass spectrometry methods to solve complex and challenging  drug development projects and regulatory demands. The primary goal of mass services is to guide customers through each phase of drug development and ensure they provide timely and targeted data to future-proof studies and project timelines. Tandem mass spectrometry is the platform to satisfy all bioanalytical and clinical goals. Let us dive into the world of mass specs services providing reliable analytical testing. 

Importance of mass spectrometry testing services

The US FDA continuously raises its requirements and standards in the area of extractable test information. Hence bioanalytical methods should be able to meet all these rising demands. LC-MS analysis is one such sensitive technique fulfilling all regulatory demands for accurate and sensitive results. Mass spec services interpret and clarify drug development data to ideally position their clients during regulatory filings. 

Mass spec services specialize in targeted screening analysis. They employ mass spectrometry-based techniques to identify contaminants, surfactant residues, and cytotoxic components in study samples. Such assessments are crucial in addressing chemical and bioanalytical-related questions during regulatory review. Besides, they help elevate concerns and chemical-related risks during the initial drug development. 

Untargeted screening methods often identify molecules that require identification and the structural elucidation. This requirement is necessary, especially during regulatory risk assessments. Mass spectrometry service companies employ MS-based techniques to understand structural and physicochemical properties of novel molecules. 

Mass spectral fingerprinting is a powerful technique to identify hundreds of compounds within a study sample. This technique can assess multiple study samples such as liquid formulations, solids, chemical solutions, extracts, and cellular thermoplastic materials at concentrations in the picomolar range. Besides, some analytical laboratory services  offer fingerprint maps to track differences or changes in your materials of choice. 

Stability testing is a fundamental aspect of drug development. Stability testing requires bioanalytical tools that can engage and help analyze contaminants and degradants that may prove vital for drug development studies. Mass spectrometry services employ robust tandem techniques such as GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS methods. 

Understanding mass spectrometry analysis

Each mass spectrometer has three components: ionization source, mass analyzer, and ion detection system. 

The ionization source converts molecules into gaseous ions. With the help of magnetic and electric fields, these ions can be manipulated and moved around.  

Next, the mass analyzer sorts and separates each ion depending on its mass-to-charge ratios. Today mass spec services have several mass analyzers to choose from. Each mass analyzer has unique capabilities, such as higher resolution of ion separation, rapid analysis, and other operational conditions. Mass analyzers often work in tandem with iron detection systems. 

Finally, the separated ions are detected, and the data is stored depending on the relative abundance.


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